Family: Corvidae (crows and jays) within the Passeriformes .

Description: Blue Jays are relatively large passerines (about the dimensions of a robin) with a blue top and whitish underside. A blue crest are often raised or lowered on the top counting on the bird's mood. the rear is sort of lavender and therefore the wings and tail are sky blue with black bars and white highlights. The strong beak and feet are black; the face is white and almost surrounded by a black necklace. The voice ranges from soft whispers to loud screams and clear, gong-like whistles. Size: Length: 11 inches (tip from beak to tip of tail).

 HABITAT AND CONSERVATION Blue Jays are found wherever there are trees in our state, but although they're present year-round, they migrate in order that birds in one area are often replaced by others each season. Sometimes people see bald blue jays, blue jays with no head feathers. This condition is usually reported within the summer and fall once they detach, and therefore the new feathers generally grow soon after.

FOOD:  Acorns, fruits, and seeds structure the bulk of the diet, but blue jays also prey on insects, eggs, young birds, and carrion. Blue jays are often found in bird feeders.