The rose-breasted chat (Granatellus pelzelni) is a species of bird in the family Cardinalidae.

It is found in Bolivia, Brazil, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname and Venezuela where its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests.

Rose breasted chat - Le Cardinal à poitrine rose (Pheucticus ludovicianus) est une espèce d'oiseau granivore de la famille des Cardinalidae rose breasted chat.

The yellow-breasted chat (Icteria virens) is a large songbird found in North America, and is the only member of the family Icteriidae

Yellow-breasted chat pronunciation - How to properly say yellow-breasted chat yellow-breasted chat singing.

A magnuson park first yellow-breasted chat giving its complicated chorus. yellow-breasted chat early calls.

the yellow-breasted chat is a large songbird that is usually heard and not seen.

yellow breasted chat.

Cardinal à poitrine rose, identifiez le facilement par ses couleurs, dans mon guide des oiseaux du Québec Yellow-breasted Chat 19 cm; 20·2-33·8 g  yellow-breasted chat synonyms, yellow-breasted chat pronunciation, yellow-breasted chat translation, English dictionary definition of yellow-breasted chat

yellow-breasted chat meaning.
Cardinal à poitrine rose ? adult plum

The Yellow-breasted chat is a medium-sized songbird, about 18 centimetres long, with a long tail
yellow-breasted chat - avimor.